LED25 White Compact LED Heath Moth Trap kit with Anker Powerbank battery


We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

A moth trap we would not suggest for everyday use in a UK garden due to low catches but is an ideal choice for overseas travel to Europe and beyond where the moth density is higher. Using 2x 2w LED units which have been extensively tested by Chris Williams, Dave Grundy and Jon & Adelene Clifton in the UK, Ireland, Spain and the US.

Made from a special white polypropylene which will reflect the UV rather than absorbing it like other materials. This trap is advantageous in that smaller, cheaper Anker power bank batteries can be used to power it, meaning air travel is possible with the battery, the legal limit being a maximum of 8Ah (always check with your airline). UV spectacles recommended for this moth trap. Available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.

  •    Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene which reflects UV.

  •   Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  •  Dimensions: Box height 25cmx25cmx28cm. Total height with vanes 40cm.

  •  Weight: Moth trap complete 2.0g (including battery)

  •  26,000mHa Anker powerbank battery which will run this trap for approximately 12 hours

  • Pro elec Quick Charger

  • We suggest you fully charge the battery before use. Please use the cable and charger provided. It is normal if the powerbank is slightly warm during charging or discharging. As with all batteries, it is not recommended to leave unattended while charging, for example, overnight. This battery is NOT waterproof.

MOTHING IN THE MIDDLE EAST with the above trap.

A Pyrenees Moth Adventure with the above trap.

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We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

A moth trap we would not suggest for everyday use in a UK garden due to low catches but is an ideal choice for overseas travel to Europe and beyond where the moth density is higher. Using 2x 2w LED units which have been extensively tested by Chris Williams, Dave Grundy and Jon & Adelene Clifton in the UK, Ireland, Spain and the US.

Made from a special white polypropylene which will reflect the UV rather than absorbing it like other materials. This trap is advantageous in that smaller, cheaper Anker power bank batteries can be used to power it, meaning air travel is possible with the battery, the legal limit being a maximum of 8Ah (always check with your airline). UV spectacles recommended for this moth trap. Available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.

  •    Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene which reflects UV.

  •   Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  •  Dimensions: Box height 25cmx25cmx28cm. Total height with vanes 40cm.

  •  Weight: Moth trap complete 2.0g (including battery)

  •  26,000mHa Anker powerbank battery which will run this trap for approximately 12 hours

  • Pro elec Quick Charger

  • We suggest you fully charge the battery before use. Please use the cable and charger provided. It is normal if the powerbank is slightly warm during charging or discharging. As with all batteries, it is not recommended to leave unattended while charging, for example, overnight. This battery is NOT waterproof.

MOTHING IN THE MIDDLE EAST with the above trap.

A Pyrenees Moth Adventure with the above trap.

We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

A moth trap we would not suggest for everyday use in a UK garden due to low catches but is an ideal choice for overseas travel to Europe and beyond where the moth density is higher. Using 2x 2w LED units which have been extensively tested by Chris Williams, Dave Grundy and Jon & Adelene Clifton in the UK, Ireland, Spain and the US.

Made from a special white polypropylene which will reflect the UV rather than absorbing it like other materials. This trap is advantageous in that smaller, cheaper Anker power bank batteries can be used to power it, meaning air travel is possible with the battery, the legal limit being a maximum of 8Ah (always check with your airline). UV spectacles recommended for this moth trap. Available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.

  •    Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene which reflects UV.

  •   Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  •  Dimensions: Box height 25cmx25cmx28cm. Total height with vanes 40cm.

  •  Weight: Moth trap complete 2.0g (including battery)

  •  26,000mHa Anker powerbank battery which will run this trap for approximately 12 hours

  • Pro elec Quick Charger

  • We suggest you fully charge the battery before use. Please use the cable and charger provided. It is normal if the powerbank is slightly warm during charging or discharging. As with all batteries, it is not recommended to leave unattended while charging, for example, overnight. This battery is NOT waterproof.

MOTHING IN THE MIDDLE EAST with the above trap.

A Pyrenees Moth Adventure with the above trap.

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