LED18 LED Hanging Holiday Netting Moth Trap

from £202.50

We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

An ideal moth trap for use on holiday overseas where moth density is high. Hang from vegetation or even your balcony! (cord not included). We would not recommend this trap for everyday use in wet climates due to the contents (moths and egg trays) getting wet and mold occurring on the netting or in areas of low moth density such as in the UK.

Using a single 2w LED unit with a 20cm drop net the complete trap only weighs 1Kg (without battery) and comes complete with a small carry bag. Easily fits into hand luggage for air travel. The battery is suspended below the rain guard disc in its own bespoke pouch. We recommend using a Power Core 10500mAh which will run this trap for upto 12 hours on a full charge (available from ALS).

This has been field tested in Northern India, South America the French/Italian Alps, Mallorca and Tenerife with some excellent results……. On a recent trip to Bormio in the Italian Alps (July 2022) this set-up was catching just over 100 moths of approximately 25/30 species per night.

UV spectacles are recommended for this moth trap, available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.


  • Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene (cone and vanes) and fine denier netting,

  • Single 2w LED Unit,

  • Trap complete with carry bag,

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs,

  • Dimensions: 40x31x31cm. Flat pack dimensions: 8x31x31cm,

  • Weight: Moth trap 1kg (not including battery),

  • Available with 20cm drop net.

  • Will run from a 10500mAh PowerCore battery for approximately 12 hours from ALS.

  • Batteries or cord not included - supplied with carry bag - Made to order,

  • Choose correct cable as listed below for your battery (contact us if unsure).

Cable Choice:
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We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

An ideal moth trap for use on holiday overseas where moth density is high. Hang from vegetation or even your balcony! (cord not included). We would not recommend this trap for everyday use in wet climates due to the contents (moths and egg trays) getting wet and mold occurring on the netting or in areas of low moth density such as in the UK.

Using a single 2w LED unit with a 20cm drop net the complete trap only weighs 1Kg (without battery) and comes complete with a small carry bag. Easily fits into hand luggage for air travel. The battery is suspended below the rain guard disc in its own bespoke pouch. We recommend using a Power Core 10500mAh which will run this trap for upto 12 hours on a full charge (available from ALS).

This has been field tested in Northern India, South America the French/Italian Alps, Mallorca and Tenerife with some excellent results……. On a recent trip to Bormio in the Italian Alps (July 2022) this set-up was catching just over 100 moths of approximately 25/30 species per night.

UV spectacles are recommended for this moth trap, available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.


  • Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene (cone and vanes) and fine denier netting,

  • Single 2w LED Unit,

  • Trap complete with carry bag,

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs,

  • Dimensions: 40x31x31cm. Flat pack dimensions: 8x31x31cm,

  • Weight: Moth trap 1kg (not including battery),

  • Available with 20cm drop net.

  • Will run from a 10500mAh PowerCore battery for approximately 12 hours from ALS.

  • Batteries or cord not included - supplied with carry bag - Made to order,

  • Choose correct cable as listed below for your battery (contact us if unsure).

We sell our LEDs throughout the world and are leading the way in this type of design for recording and surveying moths. The ALS LED’s are used by various universities worldwide for survey work, professionals and amateurs alike.

An ideal moth trap for use on holiday overseas where moth density is high. Hang from vegetation or even your balcony! (cord not included). We would not recommend this trap for everyday use in wet climates due to the contents (moths and egg trays) getting wet and mold occurring on the netting or in areas of low moth density such as in the UK.

Using a single 2w LED unit with a 20cm drop net the complete trap only weighs 1Kg (without battery) and comes complete with a small carry bag. Easily fits into hand luggage for air travel. The battery is suspended below the rain guard disc in its own bespoke pouch. We recommend using a Power Core 10500mAh which will run this trap for upto 12 hours on a full charge (available from ALS).

This has been field tested in Northern India, South America the French/Italian Alps, Mallorca and Tenerife with some excellent results……. On a recent trip to Bormio in the Italian Alps (July 2022) this set-up was catching just over 100 moths of approximately 25/30 species per night.

UV spectacles are recommended for this moth trap, available from ALS. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions before purchase.


  • Very lightweight moth trap made from white reflective durable polypropylene (cone and vanes) and fine denier netting,

  • Single 2w LED Unit,

  • Trap complete with carry bag,

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs,

  • Dimensions: 40x31x31cm. Flat pack dimensions: 8x31x31cm,

  • Weight: Moth trap 1kg (not including battery),

  • Available with 20cm drop net.

  • Will run from a 10500mAh PowerCore battery for approximately 12 hours from ALS.

  • Batteries or cord not included - supplied with carry bag - Made to order,

  • Choose correct cable as listed below for your battery (contact us if unsure).

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