12V Compact 20w Skinner Moth Trap

from £244.50

Battery operated moth traps are fast becoming the most popular way to record moths away from the garden, far cheaper than old heavy and very expensive generators which obviously have to be topped up with fuel on each outing. We have sold these traps worldwide for survey work and are incredibly popular. This is our number one bestselling moth trap.

Similar to the Compact Heath Moth Trap but has the added advantage of clear polycarbonate upper panels so the moths can be easily viewed, pin-pointed and accessed.

  • Manufactured in lightweight and durable polypropylene and polycarbonate.

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  • Best catch rate on the market for a 12 volt battery operated moth trap (20w actinic systems).

  • Dimensions: 35cmx35cmx32 cm box height. Total height with rain guard 48cm. 42x36x6cm flat packed
    12 volt Control Box 20cmx16cmx8cm.

  • Weight: Moth trap 3kg. Control Box 1.5kg. Combined weight 4.5kg.

  • Will run from 22Ah lithium battery for 10 hours or 8 hours from a 16Ah lithium battery. Choose your battery carefully.

  • Available with (UV16) and without (UV17) photo cell light sensor.

  • Batteries are available separately, see our web site for details under the Batteries section.

  • Spare 20w Bulbs and Carry Bags are available separately

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Battery operated moth traps are fast becoming the most popular way to record moths away from the garden, far cheaper than old heavy and very expensive generators which obviously have to be topped up with fuel on each outing. We have sold these traps worldwide for survey work and are incredibly popular. This is our number one bestselling moth trap.

Similar to the Compact Heath Moth Trap but has the added advantage of clear polycarbonate upper panels so the moths can be easily viewed, pin-pointed and accessed.

  • Manufactured in lightweight and durable polypropylene and polycarbonate.

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  • Best catch rate on the market for a 12 volt battery operated moth trap (20w actinic systems).

  • Dimensions: 35cmx35cmx32 cm box height. Total height with rain guard 48cm. 42x36x6cm flat packed
    12 volt Control Box 20cmx16cmx8cm.

  • Weight: Moth trap 3kg. Control Box 1.5kg. Combined weight 4.5kg.

  • Will run from 22Ah lithium battery for 10 hours or 8 hours from a 16Ah lithium battery. Choose your battery carefully.

  • Available with (UV16) and without (UV17) photo cell light sensor.

  • Batteries are available separately, see our web site for details under the Batteries section.

  • Spare 20w Bulbs and Carry Bags are available separately

Battery operated moth traps are fast becoming the most popular way to record moths away from the garden, far cheaper than old heavy and very expensive generators which obviously have to be topped up with fuel on each outing. We have sold these traps worldwide for survey work and are incredibly popular. This is our number one bestselling moth trap.

Similar to the Compact Heath Moth Trap but has the added advantage of clear polycarbonate upper panels so the moths can be easily viewed, pin-pointed and accessed.

  • Manufactured in lightweight and durable polypropylene and polycarbonate.

  • Easy to assemble. Fully flat packs.

  • Best catch rate on the market for a 12 volt battery operated moth trap (20w actinic systems).

  • Dimensions: 35cmx35cmx32 cm box height. Total height with rain guard 48cm. 42x36x6cm flat packed
    12 volt Control Box 20cmx16cmx8cm.

  • Weight: Moth trap 3kg. Control Box 1.5kg. Combined weight 4.5kg.

  • Will run from 22Ah lithium battery for 10 hours or 8 hours from a 16Ah lithium battery. Choose your battery carefully.

  • Available with (UV16) and without (UV17) photo cell light sensor.

  • Batteries are available separately, see our web site for details under the Batteries section.

  • Spare 20w Bulbs and Carry Bags are available separately

Customer Comments (4)

I like the way the clear plastic fits snugly so micros cannot escape. Also the plastic lugs make the sections fit tightly together. The other bonus is that you do not need to remove the Perspex to check the trap contents. Very easy to empty. - Graham Ekins, Essex

I often use ALS for equipment and always receive helpful and knowledgeable advice from Jon. I particularly like the 20w 12v units for mobile trapping without a generator. I now run 4 of these units when remote trapping and they certainly pull in the numbers! - Darren Taylor, Wolverhampton

The Compact 20w Skinner retained a nice Lesser-spotted Pinion last night amongst many other species. New for me and not often recorded in VC12 recently. I’m finding the trap easy to deploy with Lithium battery as well as well designed to ID and empty. - Chris Piper, Hampshire

Hey, it does work well, doesn't it? Ran the 125W MV as normal in my front garden last night - 24 moths of 18 species and the new 20W Actinic in the back garden - 83 moths of 33 species [May] Obviously, habitat is slightly different so I'll try swapping the locations a few times, but it's certainly effective. - Andy Musgrove, Norfolk

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