Pheromone Lures
Six-belted Clearwing
by Darren Taylor
Click here to view lures information. .
A Brief Guidance Note on the use of Pheromone Lures for Recording Moths
Seperation of Red-belted and Large Red-belted Clearwing - J. Clifton
Clearwing Recording during the pandemic - Ian Sims
Clearwing Moths in my garden Summer 2021 - Peter Maton
NOTE: Lures come as vials or red bungs along with a guide on storage, handling and use. Intended for use on warm sunny days in any likely habitat. Simply wait and watch.
A comprehensive guide on storing, handling and details of each species will accompany every set. We will send this to you digitally with your receipt. Feel free to contact us.
Goat Moth and pheromone lures.
ALS have been testing the lure Cossus cossus (COS) for the Goat Moth for several years and despite changes in the chemical compound and testing in the UK and Spain it DOES NOT respond to synthetic lures. We are aware that when combined with MV light and on rare instances (in Cambs, Suffolk and Dorset) it has attracted the insect. This suggests the light and not the lure is the attractant, some recorders disagree. With this in mind we have decided to sell the Goat Moth lure (COS) at cost price to anyone interested. A feed back form will also be provided for your experiences.
Emperor Moth
We also offer a pheromone lure for the Emperor Moth that is very successful, see code PH23 below. Just hang out on a sunny day and watch. Reports from most parts of the UK and Europe often with multiple sightings. The lure will last for up to three years if stored in the freezer when not in use. Moths are on the wing from late March through to early June depending on location and seasonal weather pattern.
(photo by Iain Leach).